Sean Astin Says 'Goonies 2' Is Definitely Happening: 'People Want It'
Rumors of a sequel to "The Goonies" began to surface soon after the flick was first released back in 1985, but fans have waited for more than 30 years with no luck. So will "Goonies 2" ever happen? According to one of its stars, it's only a matter of time.
In an interview with the Tulsa World, Sean Astin, who played Mikey in the flick, didn't provide any concrete details about plans for "Goonies 2." But the actor did say that the film has become such a phenomenon, that it's certainly ripe for a sequel -- in whatever form that may be.
"I have said and will always say, that it's not a question of if, but rather of when the sequel gets made," Astin told the World. "The precise makeup of it, I have no idea. Whether I will be in it, no idea. Whether they would even want the original cast in it, no idea.
"But it doesn't matter. It's bigger — it's actually bigger than everybody. It's bigger than even Steven (Spielberg), who created it. It's bigger than Richard Donner, who breathed such strong life into it. It's now a part of American cultural lore, and the studio has a lot to gain from promoting it, so you can take it to the bank that people will get to enjoy it more."
That's a bold prediction from Astin, though you can't argue with his logic. The actor cites the film's popularity at outdoor screenings, which have popped up across the country, as well as the flick's place as one of the top-suggested movies available on Apple TV, as signs that it "has solidified its place in the pantheon of popular films."
The World writes:
Astin is a believer that some movies should never have a sequel. "But 'Goonies' ain't one of them," he said. "'Goonies' is pret-a-porter for a sequel, man. It is ready to wear. I thought it would be a great animated series, then you could do all kinds of stuff, unencumbered from budget issues and that stuff. But people want it. People want to see it. And people are not always as misguided as we might represent. Sometimes the people know just what they want."
Sounds pretty logical to us. We won't hold our breaths, since Astin has been known to make bold proclamations on the subject in the past, but it's heartening to know that one of the film's stars feels as strongly about this as the rest of us.
[via: Tulsa World]
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