The 11 Most Terrifying Horror Films of the Last Decade
Horror movies have two speeds: Slasher and terrifyingly intense. At the risk of sleeping with the lights on for the next forever, we're looking at the latter. With "The Nun" hitting theaters with fresh nightmares for ya, here are the last decade's most terrifying horror movies that will mess you up for life.
'The Strangers' (2008)
Three masked psychos terrorize an unlucky couple (Liv Tyler and Scott Speedman) in this harrowing film that had us checking all the locks and swearing to never set foot in a house this isolated.
'Paranormal Activity' (2007)
It's been parodied to death, but this low-budget movie spawned a franchise and made going to bed each night more than usually insomnia-inducing.
'I Saw the Devil' (2010)
In this grisly South Korean psychological thriller, a spy tracks down the serial killer who brutally murdered his fiancee.
'Insidious' (2010)
A haunted house movie where the family seems to do everything right -- including moving out of the house as soon as possible -- and yet the terror continues. And just try getting this red-faced thing (pictured) out of your head.
'Sinister' (2012)
True crime writer Ethan Hawke needs another hit, so he (naturally) moves his family to the site of a horrific mass murder. The "home movies" he finds in the attic are some of the most disturbing footage ever filmed.
'The Conjuring' (2013)
Based on the story of a real haunting, it features more than the usual jumps, including a very creepy game of hide and seek. *clap clap
'The Babadook' (2014)
This Aussie indie about a single mother, her hard-to-manage son and the shadowy monster from a nightmare storybook will have you fearing both children's books and children.
'It Follows' (2015)
In this disturbingly surreal film, which has been hailed as a modern horror masterpiece, a young girl has sex with a guy who tells her that she'll soon be followed by some thing. She and the viewer are not prepared for what happens next.
'IT' (2017)
Pennywise will give you daymares in this huge horror hit (the biggest ever) based on Stephen King's unsettling tale of a group of Derry, Maine teens struggling to combat pure evil in the form of a murder-y clown.
'A Quiet Place' (2018)
Unsettling barely covers this inventive and surprisingly emotional horror effort for director and co-writer John Krazinski. This insanely-good effort could do for him what "Get Out" did for Jordan Peele.
'Hereditary' (2018)
If they ever make a drinking game out of how many times the incredible Toni Collette screams in this movie, you're best friend will find themselves holding back your hair by end of act one. This unnerving, slow-burn horror movie crawls under your skin and tugs at your heartstrings in between panic breaths as one family struggles with painful secrets that may give way and reveal a supernatural threat within.